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United States Institute For Allied Healthcare Professionals

Certification is not required in most states. It does however show to your employer or future employer your commitment to your field of expertise and it does enhance your credentials. Certification demonstrates to employers that you have taken that extra step in your career that separates you from the rest. It indicates the self-motivation, self-improvement and continued upgrading through continuing education that you have and that employers are looking for. Gives you a competitive edge during the job search. Improves earnings potential, career opportunities and advancement options
NEW SERVICES ADDED for the benefit of the members:
Refresher seminars for offered certifications-a fee applies
Review for certification examination-a fee applies.
Certifications offered:
Certified Phlebotomy Technician
Certified EKG Technician
Certified Medical Assistant
Certified Medical Biller
Certified Nurse Technician
Certified Patient Care Technician
Certified Patient Care Associate
Certified Nurse Aide Advanced
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